Saturday, June 2, 2012

Insects reveal to the security of the Taif load flour with corrupt Afghan driver

He intended to distribute bags is closed to maintain Bakeries


Revealed security patrols in Taif for a load of flour, salt is good for use on its way to a number of bakeries to maintain with the driver, is currently under investigation in order to take legal procedures against him and to know the source of the load.
The security patrols in Taif might suspect transport vehicle of the type we have loaded more than 100 bags of flour and salt, the size of each bag of 30 kg, while passing in front of one of the security checkpoints.
All the bags are not closed, and found some flour and salt scattered, unlike some insects which breed them; means to be unfit for human consumption.
The chief vehicle of transport that was carrying the load of flour and salt, in excess of three thousand kilograms, and arrivals, "Afghan" profession "private driver", he told the security men that he is coming from Riyadh, and intends to distribute that amount of corrupt of flour which has no date for validity bakeries on Taif, focusing on a bakery Bahoih north of the province.
Were transferred inward with seizures of Afghan police station in East Taif, which is under investigation for a while to take legal procedures against him.

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