Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In a gesture is the first of its kind ... a Saudi citizen residing farewell party for his driver's


Surprised the Saudi citizen of his driver's Indian citizenship, the establishment of a ceremony to bid farewell to him, and that with the end of his services, which lasted three years, in a gesture is the first of its kind.
The newspaper said "the East" Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Abdul Razak Al-Ghamdi had invited the Friends of the driver of neighbors and others, have emerged happiness on the face of the driver and the rest of the drivers, who wished if the visa sponsors to work to honor them at the end of the contract period, especially since some of them spent many years in the work within the Kingdom.
The Al-Ghamdi memorial shield in honor of the driver Naushad wrote him «my behalf and on behalf of my family extend our thanks to our son Naushad morals and good wishes of all his dealings with you in the future life of happy days».
The second surprise for the driver Naushad received an envelope containing a sum of money, Al-Ghamdi said that the end of service remuneration stipulated in the Labour Office and workers. He also hand giving him his watch and happiness amid applause.

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