Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saudi tried to treat colds By "Fix" Burned his face


Incident strange reported in today's Saudi Arabia was a Saudi man studying in the United States, U.S. newspaper said that Mptosa Saudis studying in the state of Missouri, USA, suffered burns to his face from the first and second degree while he was boiling water and a "Fix" in it, then inhaling the steam of it to ease the suffered a heart cold.
He says scholarship Hani Mohammed's "Today" that he was suffering from a cold too and tried to mitigate the application of the recipe led him to it his brother "Fawaz", which includes boiled water and a "fix" and do Bastnchagah to ease the cold, and during the inhalation of steam issued from the water which is on fire, put the "fix" again and was surprised by the boiling water bubbles to fly from his face very close to but did not feel himself in a hospital with burns in parts of the face and neck

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