Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Retribution for the murder serial killer killer maids stems and object


The court ruled legitimate Yanbu on the killer of domestic workers in Yanbu death Tazira and the confiscation of his car and cell phone and immediately the object to the sentence passed against him in court before a judicial committee made up of three judges, is the rule of the Sharia Court in Yanbu judgment at first instance in the waiting distinguish it or accept the objection by the appeal and in If the discrimination rule is effective for the application or if you take the objection on appeal is a retrial before a judicial committee again.
The serial killer maids Yanbu - unidentified - has caused a sensation when his arrest a year ago and about two months on 13_9_2010, after knowledge of the citizens and residents of the ways and methods that he used to conceal his victims - all of them Asian - in the wake of sexual acts with them were unable security from arrest But three years after the fact that the killer was committing his crimes without leaving evidence at the crime scene and the killer selects his victims through the basic conditions most important to be one of the unknowns of identity and there is no proof of her personality, in addition to not knowing one of them, and then torturing her and do commit adultery in which , and then kill her and distort her whole body so you do not know no one is inferred.
Was detected for the killer at the time by accident by his son, who was arrested while he was begging. When he was questioned about his name then he hesitated in his name like a Antgah for the first time and it turned out that the first two names of the Son and the other is false true. He disclosed that after the son for the actions of his father's strange and beat him and forced to beg as well as women brought to the house in the presence of his mother, and most of whom of Asian nationalities and this is what raised suspicions of the security bodies. When the security authorities searched the house and Yanbu has found memory cards for phones and after examination, they found images of maids and Dmnhen one of the victims. After that they found in the memory of another passage the same author to be pornographic image and after the comparison between them and make sure. So open the door of doubt when the security men and then they follow clues and previous issues linked to some even concluded that the father of the beggar is a killer. Suffer killer by City of behavioral deviation, where his sons and beating and burning them with fire Tanifam and force them to do the begging in the streets. The killer always sit in the market to bring in victims.

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