Saturday, December 31, 2011

Firing employees convicted of crimes of bribery, forgery, embezzlement and drug smuggling


Sources said that it decided to separate the government officials convicted of crimes of bribery, forgery, embezzlement, smuggling drugs and a referral from the courts against him disciplinary sanctions. A number of ministries, in letters addressed to the branches, that the crimes of bribery, forgery, embezzlement, smuggling, or drug and alcohol, trade sanctions are positive for firing employees who are convicted of these crimes in the case of a final judicial determination towards them, reporting ministries, management and Foraha various regions and provinces in the circular part yesterday by City the importance of working to the provisions of Article (12) of the Rules of the end of the civil service, which provides for the separation of the employee force the system as a separation for disciplinary reasons in the case of an Islamic ruling against him on the court acquired the status of peremptory and authorized the proof he committed the positive end of the legitimate boundaries and punishment of retribution end or something that requires punishment in the soul. In the case of a court ruling against him acquired peremptory and authorized the conviction and sentence in the crimes of bribery, forgery, embezzlement, smuggling, promotion or trade in narcotic drugs or alcohol as set fourth case to separate the employee, if sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not more than years old and does not affect suspension of the original sentence adjudged on the application of this provision. The circular said that the punishment for abusers Narcotic Drugs penalty punitive and intended to limit the amount of punishment, not the death threshold, according to the letter of the Ministry of Justice, which was also confirmed by letter of the investigation and control, based on the decision of the senior scientists No. 85. He stressed the ministerial circular that if released on the official rule of the death of any party to conduct a system penalties for certain was not the punishment is positive for the separation of power system in accordance with the preceding paragraph presents the matter to the competent courts, the disciplinary to decide the penalty appropriate disciplinary him. has reacted to the Ministry of Education, where the face of His Highness Faisal bin Abdullah Al Saud, Minister of Education and separate teacher sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year that does not affect the stay of execution of original sentence adjudged on the application of the provision. This came in a telegram urgently addressed his managers of education and education about the treatment of teachers and staff drug users, and the face that this is subject to the civil service system, which provides that separates the employee strongly the system, is the separation for disciplinary reasons in cases if issued an Islamic ruling of a competent judicial authority acquired the status of peremptory authorized the certified committing positive end of the limits of legality and punishment of retribution end.

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