Monday, June 4, 2012

Saudi citizen complain about a doctor break the teeth of his son in the process of almonds!


Provide citizens in the province of Arabia Rene complaint to the Minister of Health calling for accountability has caused a doctor to break the teeth of one of his sons during an operation.
He said the citizen Misfer Abdullah Subaie: introduced my son, "Mohammed", aged 11 years to the hospital for an operation to remove the tonsils, before making a doctors to break the teeth of my son the top during the process for unknown reasons, which made me like a complaint against a doctor for health affairs in Taif, subsequently filed a complaint to the Minister of Health, calling for an investigation with the doctor, who disappeared from sight, and there were on the hospital to meet him, and every time his colleagues confirms that it does not exist, also called Subaie to apologize and compensate him for what his son has suffered.
For his part, said media spokesman in Taif Health Affairs Siraj Al-Humaidan, the citizen made ​​a complaint to the Health Affairs, the communication was referred to the Department follow-up, to be necessary to take about it.

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