Consumer Protection Association revealed the name of the restaurant, which seized control in which teams of health for Riyadh Region Municipality (3250 kg) of meat, cheese and sauces expired on Saturday 5/3/1433 AH.
According to Okaz, the Assembly proclaimed in a statement that the name of the restaurant is a restaurant (Chili's) actually the path of Prince Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz in Riyadh, saying it followed with great interest the case in all respects from its role towards the society and what matters the consumer in particular, and as the Assembly is estimated all efforts in order to protect the consumer and take the maximum deterrent penalties against persons or entities reckless health and safety of consumers and the economy by the competent authorities of the science it declares the following:
Based on the Quranic verse stones (virtue, righteousness and piety) and the words of Prophet peace be upon him (who deceives is not of us) and based on the Royal Order No. (1/78) dated 13/4/1432 H, containing the rush full force and vigor in the rhythm of the penalty deterrent to manipulators and no negligence in controlling the markets and the reduction of illegal practices and libel them without hesitation, no matter who the violator is the basis of the Assembly's role in the care of the interests of consumers and protect them from all types of fraud and counterfeiting, fraud, deception and fraud in all goods and services, so the Assembly will not allow any relaxation or indulgence important in this regard, the citizen's interest above all other considerations and general calls on all citizens and residents in the province in cooperation with the restaurant in question until a complete boycott of the penalty decision issued by the competent authority, as the Assembly is confident that this decision will be, God willing, is compatible with the size of the violation.
Assembly and declaring that any damage from that restaurant meals to invite citizens and residents to communicate with the center to receive reports and complaints in the Assembly on the phone number 014563666 or fax 014507677 or via the web portal of the Association so as to ensure their full rights in accordance with regulations
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