The blood of a subsidy for baby milk factory and locally adopted strategic plan for the development of handicrafts

Council of Ministers approved today to provide a subsidy for baby milk factory locally, on the same support and the conditions currently used for milk importer, as the Council approved the project of public transport in the city of Riyadh (train bus) at full levels, in addition to implementation of the project in other cities - high population density - after the end of their network design studies of the competent authorities.
The Minister of Culture and Information Dr. Abdulaziz bin Mohieddin Khoja following the session chaired by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - may God protect him - on Monday afternoon at Yamamah Palace in Riyadh that the Cabinet reviewed a number of reports on all events and developments in the region and the world .
International affairs
It made Khoja that the Council look at the various Arab and international efforts on the Syrian crisis, the most recent meeting of the Friends of Syria in Paris, reaffirmed the positions of the Kingdom pollutants from these events and their desire to make every effort to halt the bloodshed and to stop violence and save the Syrian people.
The Council stressed the contents presented in the final statement of the special session of the thirty-ninth of the Ministerial Council of the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States, and assured him of solidarity with the United Arab Emirates, and its insistence that the attack on the sovereignty and interference in the internal affairs of any country of the Council is interference and aggression to all the GCC countries, and strengthening relations between the countries of the region must be based on mutual respect for sovereignty and non-interference in its internal affairs and to the speech balanced and honest and serious approach to common issues.
The Minister of Culture and Information, the Council heard after that, and directives to His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, Minister of Defense, the results of his visits to the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as much as the Council of Ministers that seen in the historical relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the two friendly countries of the progress and development in various areas, including the common interest, peace, security and stability in the region.
He then went on the Council to the results of the Ninth Islamic Conference of Information Ministers of the Republic of Gabon, noting the emphasis placed in the final statement of the Conference, and the Libreville Declaration of recommendations to support the work joint Islamic information, and to address the campaigns tendentious to tarnish the image of Islam and rejection of those campaigns targeting Islam and Muslims and their sanctities.
Addressed the Council of Ministers by the Kingdom in a number of economic forums and cultural organizations, the meetings of the IMF and the World Bank and the meeting of finance ministers States Group of Twenty and the Preparatory Meeting of Ministers of Economy of the Group of Twenty summit of Group of Twenty economic in June this year, adding to confirm the Kingdom continued strong performance of the Saudi economy of high growth and moderate inflation on the one hand, and its commitment to strengthening the stability of the world oil market on the other.
The Council also reviewed a report on the activities of Saudi Cultural Days at UNESCO, praising the partnership, which took place between the Kingdom and UNESCO last year 2011, set up (program Abdullah bin Abdulaziz to promote a culture of peace and dialogue) and the Council expressed its appreciation to UNESCO for its attention to culture and the arts and the various efforts to show the face of cultural true to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Internal events
After that the Council reviewed a number of conferences and scientific meetings, medical, cultural, economic and sports which was held in the Kingdom during the past week, including the International Conference and Exhibition for Higher Education at its third session which was held under the auspices of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the participation of more than 450 Arab League and international from countries around the world and sponsorship - may God protect him - to the graduation ceremony of batch 15 of the Commission for Health Specialties Saudi Arabia, which has been the graduation of 658 of health staff, and receive a certificate of competence Board (PhD) in many health disciplines task. To start work on the Red Sea Gateway Terminal for containers in Jeddah Islamic Port, which he launched on behalf of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Excellency the Minister of Transport, the day before yesterday, and raised its capacity increased by forty percent.
According to Dr. Abdulaziz bin Mohieddin Khoja, that the Council has continued following the discussion of its agenda and issued the following decisions:
After review of the submission of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, and after consideration of the Shura Council resolution No. (4/11) dated 04/12/1433 H, the Cabinet decided to approve the Arab Convention against Corruption as attached to the decision.
A royal decree has been prepared to do so.
Among the most prominent features of this Convention:
1 Promoting measures to prevent and combat corruption in all its forms, detection and other related offenses and the prosecution of the perpetrators, and strengthen Arab cooperation in this way.
2 Promoting individuals and institutions of civil society to participate effectively in preventing and combating corruption.
3 awareness of society to fight corruption, its causes and gravity of and the threat posed to its interests.
Cabinet decided to adopt the final account of the King Fahd National Library for the fiscal year (1431/1432 e).
After reviewing the minutes of the committee formed to study the negative aspects resulting from the accumulation of cars in the streets of densely populated cities, and after having heard the recommendation of the Standing Committee of the Supreme Economic Council No. 39/33 and the date of 16.05.1433, the Cabinet the following:
1 Adoption of the draft public transport in the city of Riyadh (trains, buses) at full levels, according to studies that have already been prepared and be prepared by the High Authority for the development of the city of Riyadh, in partnership with the competent authorities to find radical solutions, comprehensive, and assume a committee headed by His Royal Highness the Emir of Riyadh Chairman of Supreme Commission for the Development of Riyadh and the membership of His Royal Highness the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs, and Minister of Finance, the Minister of Transport supervision of its implementation, that is completing the implementation of the project within four years of its history, and the use of those who see international companies specialized. The committee reporting to the Prime Minister on the progress of work on the project every three months.
2 Adoption of the implementation of public transport projects in other cities with high population density after the end of their network design studies of the competent authorities.
3 State shall bear the costs of implementing projects, public transport referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this resolution, and maintenance and operation.
4 on the Ministry of Interior (General Directorate of Traffic) and the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Transport and other stakeholders their respective arrangements encourage the use of public transport systems when set up, and reduce the use of private cars, in order to achieve addressing traffic congestion and reduce air pollution in cities and guide the use of petroleum products, and raise the necessary arrangements for the consideration of the adoption and determine the date of application, according to regular procedures followed.
5 on the Ministry of Interior (General Directorate of Traffic) and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of Rural Transport enhance their coordination in order to achieve integration between urban planning and transport planning, and to take executive action to do so.
After reviewing a report by the President of the General Authority for Tourism and Antiquities and after consideration of the Shura Council resolution No. (31/16) dated 4/5/1431 H, the Cabinet decided the following:
Approval of the first national strategy for the development of crafts and handicrafts, and five-year implementation plan, as attached to the decision.
Second, the establishment of a national program called (the national program for the development of crafts and handicrafts), taking into account the following:
1 that the Ministry of Finance allocated a separate amount in the budget to spend on the program requirements of human and administrative.
2 that the fund trades and handicrafts through the contribution of institutions and funding programs and to support small and medium enterprises, such as the Saudi Credit Bank, savings and productive family programs.
3 that the program have a supervisory committee for five years under the chairmanship of His Royal Highness the President of the General Authority for Tourism and Antiquities, and whose members are deputy ministers and deputy governors approaching the same relationship, and two from the private sector who have investment initiatives in the crafts, and two associations interested in the letter.
The Cabinet approved the subsidy for baby milk factory locally, according to a number of controls, including the following:
1 to have the same support and the conditions currently used for infant formula imported, to be determined by the Ministerial Committee of Supply the appropriate mechanism to ensure that the specifications and requirements, and calculating the weights which are estimated on the basis of the subsidy.
2 that is committed to the manufacturers of infant formula subsidized imports all of its green fodder used for the production of milk, according to the number of controls described in detail in the resolution.
After perusal of the Royal Order No. (A / 81) and the date of 20/4/1432 AH, to establish the Ministry of the name (Ministry of Housing) and the formation of the Department of Real Estate Development Fund, headed by the Minister of Housing, and propose the Minister of Housing to amend the system of Real Estate Development Fund in order to achieve this , the Cabinet decided the following:
First: The board of Real Estate Development Fund as follows:
1 and the prime minister of housing.
2 Director of Real Estate Development Fund member and vice president.
3 representative of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs members.
4 representative of the Ministry of Finance members.
5 representative of the Ministry of Economy and Planning members.
6 representative of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency members.
7 Three members with jurisdiction, appointed by the Council of Ministers upon the proposal of the Minister of Housing.
Second: The term of membership other than the President and Vice President for three years, renewable once.
Third: The Board of Directors is the highest authority overseeing the work of the Fund and to achieve its objectives.
The Cabinet approved the appointments as follows: the fifteenth and fourteenth, and in the following manner:
1 Appointment of Dr. Saad bin Abdulaziz bin Ahmed embarrassing on the job (medical consultant) ranked the fifth ten led by the National Guard.
2 Set Abdullah bin Abdulrahman bin Ibrahim Al-mailing on the job (legal adviser) came in the fifteenth the Board of Grievances.
3 Appointment of Othman bin Abdul Karim Ben Ali Almtroda a job (legal adviser) ranked fifteenth in the Supreme Council of Magistracy.
4 Appointment of Dr. Dawas bin Fahad bin Fahid Al Shammari on the job (Under-Secretary for Reconstruction and projects) came in fourth ten Hail honestly.
5 appointment of Saeed Bin Ali Bin Mohammed Da'ar a job (Geologist expert) at the Ministry of Water and Electricity.